Welcome Twenty-Twenty-One


Welcome Twenty-Twenty-One!

Never has the start of a new year been more welcomed than 2021.
So, to keep my cluttered mind focused this year, I have decided to delve into blogging once more.  It has been a while as I have felt I have had not much to say, and maybe still don't.  But, this is for me, and y'all may follow along if you so desire.

For Christmas my wonderful husband surprised me with a new member of my kitchen family; Le Creuset Dutch Oven in Marseille.

Isn't she a beauty?  I haven't named her yet.

I admit, I am a little intimidated to begin.  I don't want to scratch her or leave a fingerprint, or dirty her up or anything.  She's so fresh and new, and pure.  

Made in France, Le Creuset (Luh Croo-say) began in 1925.  Creuset means Cauldron in French, which is where this molten cast iron dutch oven was born.  The first dutch oven, with a vibrant color, Volcanique, inspired by the red hot flame of the cauldron, instead of the traditional and common gray of the day, was cast and enameled in Fresnoy-le-Grand. 
My dutch oven is the newest color in the collection; Marseille.

So, to celebrate this new kitchen member, I will be diving into the role of family chef, with the occasional assistance of the other humans in the house.  Please feel free to come along, comment, and share your own cooking tales. 


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