Finding a place for my Le Creuset to rest.

 First things first; the Great Reorganizing! (Again).

New pot, new layout.  Little possibility of big changes, but certainly the need to shift things a bit in cabinets and cupboards.  Boxed up a few glasses we just don't use, but want to keep, and found a home, at least for now, for my new friend.  

By the way, if you get your own Le Creuset (hereafter to be referred to as LC until she is named), DO NOT THROW AWAY THE SMALL SPACERS FROM PACKING. I am told they help to prevent any kind of rusting if your LC were to be put away slightly wet.  I tossed mine pretty much immediately, so sorry my dear, so I have improvised for now.

Day one-January 1, 2021.  What to make in my LC for tonight?  Steve is working at 7, and it is 1:30 right, off to the kitchen to see what I have that will do.  Starting small.


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