Campfire Cooking in the Home Oven
For breakfast this morning I thought I'd make a brunch type of meal.
The hub didn't get home from work until almost 8am, then would sleep for a while, so a later breakfast was in order.
Searching on Google for dutch oven brunch, I came across this recipe...Dutch Oven Ham and Cheese Potatoes.
It was meant for a campfire cook but I would place it in the oven.
I love when I have every ingredient and don't have to run to the supermarket...but, soon enough I will.
This recipe called for ham. Back before Thanksgiving, our local market, HEB, had a buy-a-spiral-ham-get-a-free-12lb-turkey. So, I did. I love having the spiral hams. Smell so autumn-y.
I usually cook it up (heat up really, since they are already cooked), just to have that smell. We eat some, (5 of us in this house) and I cut it up and freeze the rest into smaller containers. That way, I can just pull out a batch to have with breakfast, or make a casserole, etc. If you save the hambone, when you get around to it, make pea soup. Throw some of that ham in. I made a batch and froze half, so, have that as well.
